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Firefox in a Nutshell

Firefox: AboutThisManual

About This Manual

About Firefox in a Nutshell version 

This summary of the Firefox manual focusing on the security use was commissioned by Internews as part of the xxxx

It contains an updated summary of a more complete Firefox manual on FLOSS Manuals and uses other existing material from Bypassing Internet Censorship and Basic Internet Security. New original material has been added by project editors Mick Fuzz and Jacques Sauvage. 

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Original Firefox BookSprint

This manual evolved during a two-day Book Sprint at the Doctrain West conference. Scott Abel extended the invitation, and the sprint was a collaborative effort by FLOSS Manuals, Doctrain West, and the Mozilla Foundation. 25 writers collaborated over two days in virtual and real space to produce a book in two days! In addition to original content, large amounts of material were reused from the excellent Firefox Support Knowledge Base.

هر عضوی از سازمان ملل رسما خود را ملزم به رعايت و احترام به حقوق بشر كرده است. اما ما پيش از اين هرگز در مورد اين‌كه اين حقوق دقيقا چه هستند صحبت نكرده‌ايم، چه در منشور يا در هر سند ملی ديگری. اين نخستين باری است كه اصول حقوق بشر و مبانی آزادی به‌صورتی مقتدرانه و با جزييات دقيق بيان می‌شود. اكنون من می‌دانم كه دولت من بايد خود را ملزم به ارتقا، دست‌يابی و نگه‌داری چه چيز كند. ... من می‌توانم در مقابل دولت بايستم و اگر دولت الزامات خود را انجام نداد، من حمايت معنوی و اخلاقی همه دنيا را خواهم داشت و آن‌را احساس خواهم كرد.




What is FLOSS?

Firefox is entirely free (FLOSS) software. You do not have to pay anything to download and install it. 

FLOSS is an abbreviation for Free/Libre/Open Source Software. While there are dozens of variations of these terms in use, all FLOSS software shares some of the same basic ideals of software freedom, including:

  • Freedom to run the program
  • Free access to complete source code
  • Freedom to study the code
  • Freedom to modify the code
  • Freedom to redistribute the modified code

Firefox and the Community

For many users, Firefox is their first introduction to FLOSS and the ideas it represents. FLOSS is a core aspect of the Mozilla project, which has developed the Firefox web browser. As a result, everyone is free to use, copy, improve, or extend Firefox. Another core aspect of the Mozilla project is its participatory development strategy, which means anyone can get involved with making Firefox better. Millions of community members help make Firefox better every day.

More than 30% of Mozilla code is contributed by volunteers, with the rest being contributed by full-time contributors who are paid either by Mozilla or by other companies involved in Mozilla development. Mozilla is a diverse set of people, and nearly anyone can make a big difference, whether by developing code, writing documentation, testing software, or just telling friends about Firefox!


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