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Guide to Hosting your own Video Site

Basic Video Embedding Drupal

Drupal is a content management system like WordPress. A lot of developers like it as you can quickly and flexibily create websites with quite complex functionality.  As we progress through the sections on Drupal we will start with a very basic set up and gradually add more features.

Embedding video in Drupal

To embed video inside Drupal we can use the OEmbed technique.

Firstly install and enable the OEmbed module in the normal way. Make sure to also enable the oEmbed Filter sub module.

You can test if oEmbed is working on the test page of the module.

In the admin section navigate to configuration, media, oEmbed and then Test [admin/config/media/oembed/test].

Enter the URL of a video. Click Submit. If the test works you will see an embedded player.

If the test works you to paste in a URL of a supported video providers into any post.

Let's try this with the default Article content type.

Post the video up to an article. Make sure not to make the URL a link

Save the post and your video should appear.

This process works but it is quite limited in how the video is displayed as we are using the default size and display properties.

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