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Open Video Workbook - Archived April 29th

Making the Case for Open Video

In the context of this course, open video is a reference the use of Free Software tools for creating and distributing video and the adoption of freely-licensed formats, or at least formats using open standards.

Free software tools have a long history; digital media is unthinkable without open formats, protocols, and standards. And the more complex our creative work becomes, the more important questions of interoperability: as long as media is stored in an open format, there will be a way to access it.

To promote open video, is it important to make material available in free and open formats. However, practically you may have to also provide versions in more restrictive formats like h264 to reach users on closed platforms like iOS. This is because vendors prevent their users from using free formats. There are pragmatic reasons preventing video developers from taking a purist approach to video distribution.

Whenever possible, it is good to pressure vendors to adopt the use of free and open formats. We aim to support free and open standards by the creation of this course and other materials. While h264 may not we free of restrictions we can use free tools to take it apart, create it and deepen our knowledge of the subject in general.

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